Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It is good to have a brother.

We had been running errands for the day, which with 5 boys, makes for a LONG day. Rook had been pretty good for most of it and I guess we went into one store too many. He had a melt down and we left with him screaming at the top of his lungs. Poor Wynn, (my second son) had to sit by him in the back seat. Well he had enough of the screaming and told Rook to stop it. Rook retaliated by hitting Wynn, so Wynn started to scream that Rook had hit him, we were clear out in west Omaha and I had had all the screaming I could take, so I told Wynn, "You are bigger and stronger, HIT HIM BACK! (I will admit it wasn't my proudest moment) So the hitting continued and it went back and forth for a while, until Cannon, (Rook's twin) had enough of that. He told Wynn that if he hit his brother again then he was going to beat him down! Wynn decided to stop,thank goodness and so did Rook. I know that they are brothers fighting, butt I couldn't believe how quickly Cannon was to jump into rescue Rook. Then I was telling My husband about it and he pointed out several times that Cannon and Rook have jumped into the Frey to help the other one out. It is great to see them stick up for each other, butt it seems especially with the twins, it is more of a common thing. I love it.


Staffords said...

I hope the Jude steps in when is comes to dating too. I don't want to thing about that yet. Hope all is well at your house.

Jenn and Tyler said...

Honestly, I was quicker to my brothers defence (than our other siblings) growing up also! It's great to have a twin!